

BEZ is Barbara Elisa Zanon

 I am a photographer, photojournalist and visual artist. This website is dedicated to my creative work.

All my works on this website are creative digital collages and decollages. Coming from old family photos, my personal photos of graffiti, places, people, objects taken all over the world. Also, sometimes, coming from advertising on magazines and newspapers. Or rarely pictures from stock photos.

Anyway, everything you see here, exists in my mind. And you can buy limited edition prints, of course.


2021 POYI, Pictures of the Year INTERNATIONAL

2020, Kuala Lampur- Kuala Lampur portrait prize - finalist

2019, Budapest- Bifa Best of show

2019, Barcelona- 13 Margaret Cameron Award

2019, New York: IPA Best of Show curated by David Fahey

2019, Los Angeles: IPA Best of Show curated by David Fahey

2019, Paris: PX3 winner exhibition

2017, New York: IPA best of Show

2015, Venice: Galleria Roberta Pavan

2012, London: Mall Galleries, finalist Renaissance Photography Award